Automatic Poultry Scalding Steel Tank


A$ 31,900.00 (Inc. GST)
A$ 29,000.00 (Ex. GST)
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CAT 103-*
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Production Estimated 14 to 17 Weeks from Order

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Automatic Poultry Scalding Tank


Built for maximum scalding capacity with minimum labour. This Automatic Scalding Tank incorporates many features which eliminate unnecessary and time consuming motions from the scalding job. Designed for large production in limited space, no shackles or conveyors are needed. Birds are not confined, but tumble freely, thus ensuring a thorough scald. The accurate timing device and sensitive thermostat eliminate guesswork. This machine is available in three sizes.





Designed and built for large production
Can quickly and easily be loaded and unloaded, as there is no basket to open, nor shackles to use
Inner tank constructed of 10 gauge and 3/16" hot dipped galvanised steel
Equipped with a large heavy-duty gearbox
The perforated platform forces the birds through the water, giving the greatest possible agitation and in addition there is spray scalding action
The very sensitive temperature controls and accurate timing device ensure a uniform scald at all times
Bottom is rounded, which makes it easy to clean
The platform can be stopped in any position to facilitate cleaning
The round holes in the perforated platform facilitate removing wet feathers that can accumulate
Drain board is standard with all tanks




Specification CAT 103-2300(SS) CAT 103-1420(SS) CAT 103-1000(SS)
Inside dimensions (LxWxD) 1220X 914 x x 762 mm
914 X 762 x 686 mm  762 x 673 X 622 mm
Outside dimensions (LxWxH)  2134 x 1016 x 1054 mm 1778 x 838 x 953  mm 1422 x 787 x 914 mm
Bird capacity 25-30 chickens, 5 tom turkeys 15-18 chickens, 3 tom turkeys 10 chickens, 1-2 tom turkeys
Burner capacity 110 kW 73 kW 37 kW
Capacity (L) 2300L 1420L 1000L
Motor 750W 375W 375W
Power (V) 240V 50Hz 240V 50Hz 240V 50Hz
Shipping weight 590kg 454kg 363kg


Scalding Process Illustration:

1surescald-illustration-s1.png surescald-illustration-s2.png  surescald-illustration-s3.png  surescald-illustration-s4.png  surescald-illustration-s5.png

No basket to open or shackles to load creates ease in loading. Just push the start button to begin operation, timer automatically resets to desired time. About ¼ through the cycle, birds are dumped to the bottom of the tank. Water sprays through the holes in platform onto the birds, giving a spray action scald. After the platform has made ½ of a cycle, the birds are completely submerged, but not confined and free to tumble in all positions. The birds are tumbled through the water by the revolving platform and then out of the water to the stop position. The platform rotates at 10 RPM and will rotate several times depending on the length of scald. 




Thermometer: As optional equipment, a 3.5" wall dial thermometer can be installed on the Scalder

Stainless Steel: Available ( SS ) 

Gas: Available in LPG, Natural Gas or Steam